
Magnetic Drag Conveyor for Ferrous Metals
The Mag-Drag® is a combination of magnetic and drag chain style conveyors. It’s more effective at ferrous fine chip removal than traditional hinged belt or drag flight conveyors in high coolant flow rate applications.
Powerful magnets, located underneath the conveyor’s load and lower curve sections, attract and hold chips. Then, metal drag-flight cleats scrape chips and sludge up the incline to the discharge. Magnetic conveyors are custom engineered to meet specifications for length and width to ensure a proper fit to most CNC metal cutting machines. Each magnetic drag conveyor has a unique pattern of individually placed magnets to optimize carryout.
The magnetic separation of chips from coolant results in cleaner coolant improving machining accuracy and prolonging tool life. Cleaner coolant also reduces the costs of coolant replacement and disposal.
The Mag-Drag® comes in drag chain sizes in 1.5″ and 2.5″ pitch with stainless steel cleats.